Hope & Homes for Children

Imagine growing up not knowing what a family is - Photo: Chris Leslie/HHC
Imagine not having the sense of belonging, or the emotional support that being part of a family provides. We believe that, above all else, children need a loving family and a place to call home.
This is a basic human right, but one which too many children are still denied. There are an estimated 8 million children living in institutions across the globe, robbed of love and the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Many more are at risk of separation from their families due to poverty, conflict and disease.
We work together with children, their families, communities,  professionals, NGOs and governments across Central and Eastern Europe and Africa to ensure that institutionalisation is a thing of the past, and that no child has to grow up deprived of the love and care of a family.
We have the expertise and the skills to transform the lives of children trapped in institutions and to prevent the separation of children from their parents when families are at risk of breakdown. We strengthen families, provide family based care for children unable to live at home, close institutions and develop institution-free childcare systems for future generations.

How we work

How we work
Institutions damage children. Find out more about the effects of institutionalisation and how we work.

Where we work

Where we work
We work in 10 countries across Central and Eastern Europe and Africa, but our impact is felt well beyond these borders...

Facts & figures

Facts & figures
Learn more about the issues we're tackling and see the evidence of our impact.


What is Deinstitutionalisation? Why is it necessary? Find out more about our pioneering work to transform the lives of children.
Preventing family breakdown

Preventing family breakdown

We stop children being separated from their families in the first place by supporting families to get back on their feet.

Hope and Homes for Children is a registered charity. No 1089490

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